The media is inundated with articles on the consolidation of healthcare. According to these posts, all physicians, including anesthesiologists, are under pressure to sell their practices and join larger groups. While this is a trend we are seeing – it doesn’t have to be this way. Plenty of anesthesiologists and other physicians are holding onto their independence. The key factor that makes this possible is having the right tools and support.

Want to know how you can hold on to your independence?

Download our eBook:

Group Independence: A Fusion Anesthesia Action Guide

The Current Healthcare Environment

In 2018, for the first time, more physicians categorized themselves as employees rather than practice owners. According to an AMA survey, 47.4% of respondents were employed and 45.9% were self-employed. Just 6 years ago, the percentage of self-identified physician-owners was 53.2%!

Consolidation is happening everywhere, but a primary driver is practices getting gobbled up by hospitals. The Physicians Advocacy Institute reports that 8,000 physician practices were acquired by hospitals between 2016 and 2018. Many of them were formerly independent anesthesia practices.

More physicians are categorizing themselves as employees instead of practice owners.

Why Is This Happening?

Independent practices are faced with increasing regulation, declining reimbursement, and struggling with the psychological toll of trying to make it all work.

There’s no question that remaining independent in the healthcare market is challenging and that much of the media coverage makes consolidation seem inevitable. However, from our perspective, anesthesiologists who are owners in an independent practice are both happier in their work – and make significantly more money than industry averages.

Secure Your Independence

While it may feel like an uphill battle to remain independent, it is possible – and highly rewarding for many physicians. You just need the right financial partners in place.

Remaining independent means you maintain control over your job – and ultimately your life.

How to Keep Your Independence

Despite what the media reports, it is possible to remain independent as an anesthesiologist. You just have to find the right partner who can help secure your practice’s financial stability so you can avoid the pressures of selling out. The right partner will provide you with the services and insights you need to run a thriving and successful practice.

Want more details on how to maintain your independence? Download the complete guide.

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